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WhatsApp to work during blackouts!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Do you know what WhatsApp is? It’s an app that lets you send messages to your friends and family, just like texting, but on your phone. And guess what? WhatsApp has come up with a super cool feature!

They’ve made it possible for you to send messages even when you can’t connect to the internet. How awesome is that?

So, let’s say you’re in a place where there are internet restrictions or maybe there’s a problem with the internet connection. No worries! WhatsApp has found a way to help you stay connected.

They have something called proxy servers, which are like special computers that let you use WhatsApp even when you can’t access the internet. It’s like magic!

Important Details

  • WhatsApp thinks this is really important because they believe that everyone should be able to stay connected, no matter what. They think it’s a basic right for people to be able to talk to each other, especially during emergencies when they might need help. They don’t want anything to stop you from reaching out to your loved ones or getting the help you need when you really need it.

  • In fact, WhatsApp is asking people from all over the world to volunteer as proxies. A proxy is someone who helps others connect to the internet when they can’t do it themselves. Isn’t that cool? They want to make sure that everyone has the chance to communicate freely.

  • And don’t worry, using a proxy server doesn’t mean that your messages aren’t safe. WhatsApp has this thing called encryption, which is like turning your messages into a secret code. Only you and the person you’re talking to can read them. It’s like having your own secret language!

  • So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you can’t connect to the internet, remember that WhatsApp has got your back. You can still send messages and stay connected with your friends and family.

  • And who knows, maybe one day you’ll become a tech genius and set up a proxy server yourself! But until then, just keep enjoying WhatsApp and all the fun conversations you can have with it. Stay connected, little buddy!

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