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image depicting WhatsApp users won't be able to use messaging services if they don't accept updated terms, What you should know about WhatsApp’s new privacy policy

WhatsApp users won’t be able to use messaging services if they don’t accept updated terms


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Earlier, we read about WhatsApp informing users of its new terms and conditions regarding privacy and sharing of information.

At first, users were supposed to accept the terms and conditions by 8 February 2021 but this got extended to 15 May.

Seeing the terms, users were alarmed by the amount of information WhatsApp shared with Facebook (its parent company). Many downloaded other messaging apps like Telegram and Signal.

The company later clarified that the changes were for businesses accounts only. But it did some privacy concerns.

In January, Indian government officials also asked WhatsApp to withdraw its planned changes. But it plans to go ahead with them.

Now, WhatsApp has said that users must accept the updated terms and conditions by the 15 May deadline. Otherwise, they will no longer be able to receive or send messages. Calls and notifications will work for a short while but not for long.

Their accounts will be listed as “inactive” but they will still have 120 days to accept the new terms. But after that, the inactive accounts will be deleted.


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