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World Day for International Justice!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Well, hello, eager learner! Get ready to put on your detective hats because today we’re talking about World Day for International Justice! It’s a special day when we celebrate justice and learn about how important it is to bring fairness to the world.

Let’s dive into some super cool facts about this day!

Justice Heroes: Celebrating World Day for International Justice!

  • World Day for International Justice is celebrated on July 17 each year. It’s like a birthday party for justice!
  • On this day, we remember a special treaty called the Rome Statute. It was adopted on July 17, 1998, and it created something called the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC’s job is to protect people from terrible crimes like genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. They’re like superhero detectives fighting for justice!
  • This day is all about spreading awareness about the importance of justice. Sometimes, bad things happen to people, like human rights violations, abuse, and terrorism. World Day for International Justice helps us understand the struggles of those who have been denied justice for a long time. It also reminds us to stand up for what’s right, fight for justice, and protect human rights.
  • From all these important details, we can infer that World Day for International Justice is a day to honor and support the International Criminal Court’s efforts in serving justice. It’s also a day to learn about crimes that threaten the peace and well-being of the world, so we can prevent them from happening again. Together, we can be justice heroes!
  • So, my little detectives, World Day for International Justice is a special day to celebrate justice and learn about the important work of the International Criminal Court. We remember the Rome Statute and how it protects people from terrible crimes.
  • It’s a day to spread awareness about the struggles of those who have been denied justice for a long time and to stand up for what’s right. Let’s be justice heroes and make the world a fair and safe place for everyone!

Discover an enlightening video about the International Court of Justice, brought to you by the Youtube channel ‘United 4 Social Change.

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