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The Indian traditions

The making process with chalk, colours, and flowers. The tales we do when we are making it

Rituals are fun

Loved making it with my sister and then lighting the candles in the evening.

We made 3 rangolis for 3 days and re lit the diyas.

Remarkable Rangoli Creations:

Kuhu Kacher, your Rangoli creations are truly remarkable. Your ability to transform colors and patterns into stunning artworks is exceptional. Keep nurturing your talent; it’s a gift that brightens the world.

Inspiring the Next Generation with Rangoli:

Your Rangolis have the power to inspire young minds. They not only showcase your artistic skills but also carry a message of creativity and tradition. You’re igniting a passion for art in children and encouraging them to explore the beauty of Rangoli.

Dedication and Perseverance in Rangoli:

Your dedication to perfecting the art of Rangoli is evident in every intricate design. The patience and precision you bring to your creations are commendable. Remember, your persistence will lead you to even greater heights in the world of Rangoli.

A Bright Rangoli-Filled Future Ahead:

With your talent and passion for Rangoli, your future in this art form is incredibly promising. Continue to push the boundaries of your creativity, experiment with new patterns, and share your beautiful Rangolis with the world. Your artistic journey is just beginning, and it’s bound to be filled with colorful success.

Kuhu Kacher, your Rangoli artistry is a source of inspiration and admiration. Keep pursuing your passion, and don’t hesitate to reach for the brightest colors in your palette. Your journey in the world of Rangoli is filled with endless possibilities, and we can’t wait to see where your creativity takes you next.

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Kuhu Kacher

4, La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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