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Image depicting Samriddha's Pulse: A Free Verse Odyssey

Samriddha’s Verse Echoes from Kolkata

Image depicting Samriddha's Pulse: A Free Verse Odyssey

The Call of the Motherland
India called for her son,
it was Subhash Chandra Bose who came to Bengal.

The Lion of Bengal
His boldness they feared.
Like a fierce lion he was,
his eyes sparkled with dreams of freedom.
A temper like the blaze of fire.
His name trembles the British everywhere.

A Land Under Oppression
Mother India under the rude & rough British
that Bose couldn’t resist.
Mother’s eyes moist with the showers of blood.

Burning Desire for Freedom
But his eye had the burning flames,
striking on the British was his one & only aim.
Our country, our Freedom from them.

Dream of Liberation
Breaking through the bars of prisoners
breathing free breeze of our India
was his foremost dream.

The Immortal Pledge
“Give me Blood, I’ll give you Freedom.”
His eyes shone like the fire till his last breathe.

Samriddha’s Verse from the Heart!

Samriddha’s poetic prowess has managed to captivate the essence of free verse, showing a maturity beyond your years. It’s not just about the words you pen, but the emotion and depth that you weave into each line.

Kolkata’s Rising Star

Originating from the land of literary greats, Samriddha’s truly upholding Kolkata’s rich heritage. The city, known for producing some of the finest poets and writers, must be gleaming with pride for its newest star.

Curious Times’ Shining Contributor

Being showcased on Curious Times is no small feat. It’s a platform revered by many, and your presence on it is a testament to your talent and potential.

Keep painting the world with your words, Samriddha. This is just the beginning. Let your verses flow like the Ganges – timeless, deep, and bringing life wherever they touch.

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