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Image depicting Souls of India

Viraj’s Youthful Echo

Image depicting Souls of India


We are the Indians,

The most powerful and diverse nation,
15th August is our nation’s most important celebration.

But many years ago British entered our country in excuse of trading,
But ended up steeling all of our saving.

For many years they kept us under their rule,
Using the policy of divide, as a tool.

After protesting and fighting for days and night,
We finally achieved the world of light.

On 15th august we finally said the British bye-bye,
And from then our flag is shining high up in the sky.

Everybody celebrates this day with huge honor and pride,
So let’s be a true soul of India from inside.

By Viraj Jain
Grade 6

Youthful Indian Echo

Viraj Jain’s eloquent piece, “Souls of India,” is a testament to a young mind’s deep-rooted connection to the nation’s spirit. Hailing from Shiv Nadar School in Faridabad, Viraj has managed to encapsulate India’s vibrant essence in poetic form, which is no small feat.

Each line of the poem resonates with the timeless beauty, diversity, and strength of our great nation. It’s inspiring to see the next generation not only connect with their roots but also express it with such creativity and passion. Viraj’s poem stands out as a beacon of hope, a reminder that the youth are not just the future but the vibrant present.

Curious Times has found a gem in this young poet. Keep shining, Viraj! Your words are a balm to the soul, and they inspire countless others to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. The “Souls of India” are indeed fortunate to have a voice like yours.

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6, Shiv Nadar School Faridabad , Faridabad , Haryana

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