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‘The Leap’ By Ms. Reena Rajpal, DLDAV Model School

Our journey to the online classes started in April 2020. We immediately opted for G-suite and brought all teachers into the journey.

There were quite a few challenges. Some of our teachers had always taken offline classes so the computer science teachers started capacity building workshops on their own and started training teachers without ever physically contacting them. The teachers were under the observation of the parents’ eyes all the time, so online rules had to be laid down.

In the summer vacation, we created G-suite accounts of all students from classes 6-12. The school chose to give G-Suite email accounts as we had to take them away from the lure of cyber mischief. The time table setting was another big challenge as screen time had to be minimised plus all-round /holistic development was important. The pre-primary timings had to be set in a manner so that the parents can comfortably be with their children in these classrooms.

To educate a child properly partnership of parent and school is very important so that’s one more area which we had to be taken care of.

Resistance to change is always there. Other than payment of fees there wasn’t much resistance because everyone knew that this is the new normal. So all stakeholders accepted to upgrade their knowledge in their respective fields. Parents were very positive about the way classes were being conducted so the response was encouraging. Students are more conversant with technology as compared to teachers so this time they did the handholding when teachers were settling in the new pedagogy of a virtual school.

As a result of technology, how the teachers conducted the classes and how the students participated, I think the learning outcomes are better because they were studying in the comfort of their homes and their screen gave the privilege of a personal board. Teachers were also able to instill online class ethics so things have been really good.

We do fear are about the mental and physical well being of small children who are confined to their homes away from peer interaction and any phycsial exercises. But I think these problems will get straightened out once the fear of the pandemic is over.

I think Curious Times is providing a good platform for all the students to polish their communication skills. I recommend everything from Curious Times because it is a good experience every time.

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Reena Rajpal

Principal, Darbari Lal DAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi

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