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‘The Leap’ By Prachi Sharma, Delhi Public School, Sonepat

After the lockdown was announced we had a series of meeting and it was decided to start online classes. We started our online classes for Grade XII on March 25th and for the remaining grades on April 1, 2020.

We chose Zoom as it was the most user-friendly platform and did not involve a lot of technical complexities. Zoom made it easier for students and teachers to transition to online teaching.

Fortunately, we did not face any resistance from any quarters. Parents and teachers joined hands to ensure that studies continue uninterrupted. Parents continue to share their suggestions to make the online classes even better.

Students have transitioned effortlessly to online teaching. They have been helping out the teachers in managing classes. Learning outcomes have been more or less the same. Teachers are in constant touch with the students and this has put them on ease.

The biggest challenge has been connectivity problems on the part of certain students because of which they were missing out on the lessons taught.

We do feel, as an outcome of this, students are feeling a bit stressed out in absence of interaction with their friends, being cooped up in their homes. This will lead to higher levels of anxiety even after things go back to normal.

I don’t think that this is going to be the new normal. I believe that we will have a vaccine in the near future and will be able to resume a normal school. Online classes will help us make up for disruption caused due to pollution days etc. and can be integrated with the normal school to extend extra help to our students.

I do believe that clear cut guidelines, taking into consideration the practical difficulties of managing young students, financial support to set up proper sanitization facilities would be helpful, once we have to bring the students back to the school.

Till then, students should focus on experiential learning and be the leaders of their learning outcomes. Emphasis should be on conceptual clarity rather than the syllabus covered. Parents should involve children in the day to day activities so that they get a chance to learn valuable life skills.

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Prachi Sharma

Vice Principal, Delhi Public School, Sonepat

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