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My Expressions
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Image depicting The sun sets every day with a promise to rise up.

The sun sets every day with a promise to rise up.

Dear diary,

Years seem to have passed since I wrote to you the last time. After constant failures, I think that I should quit. My dreams, my aspirations and all my desires appear to be flowing down the drain. Is there any way out of this gigantic hoax?

Are my troubles really big?

I know my troubles aren’t that big. There are people who do not have the money to afford enough food, the world is full of poverty.

But to me scoring low in exams is equally troublesome as it is to see someone dying of hunger. Am I getting too pessimistic?

No, whatever it may be, I shall keep my spirits high, for the world isn’t over yet.

I will learn from my mistakes and rise high. Happy times are going on, and happier times will come sooner than I think. I will work harder from now on. For I know that everything will be okay in the end, and if it is not okay, it is not the end.

Yours, a nine year old…

What can we learn from children?

Phenomenal, isn’t it? If a child can learn to accept the reality and move on, why can’t we? Truly, at times, there’s a lot we can learn from children. Their innocence and will-power teach millions of those who have lost hopes to rise to the action. So, never give up your hopes and dreams.

Much like the sun, which sets every day with a promise to rise anew, we too should face life’s challenges with unwavering optimism.

The sun’s resilience in the face of darkness teaches us that even in our darkest hours, there is the potential for a bright dawn. Just as the sun illuminates the world, our determination can light up our path to success.

So, let us harness childrens enduring spirit as a reminder to persevere, to keep moving forward, and to never surrender to despair. Embrace each day with the same hope and determination as the rising sun.

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Grade 11, DL DAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi

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