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2020 – A Break to learn and unlearn

Dated back last year in March, early holidays were declared in my residential school. Me and my friends danced, jumped and sang as we didn’t know that COVID was going to ruin our lives. I came from my residential school to my home the same night the curfew took place.Then masks and sanitizer became the primary caution.

After that one day curfew the lockdown started and it was never ending (for me), at the end of it new rules had entered our lives which were wash your hands regularly, maintain six feet distance (social distancing), do not touch commonly touched places and do not spit. I really followed them strictly, gave them a place in my heart and my mind never to be broken. However, some were really difficult to follow, but after doing them repeatedly, I got used to them.

In simple words I didn’t want to be a ‘Covidiot’. I would never break the rules. The one thing I learned from this pandemic is that never to be serious you must be calm so your mind can process it. You must always tell your family members, friends that wear a mask on your nose and mouth or else I will not talk to you or not play with you. So that they might learn from their mistakes. So this is how I contributed towards keeping everybody safe around me.


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7, KFI Sahyadri School, Rajgurunagar, Pune

Comments: 2
  1. sun1508 says:

    Excellent article!

  2. sun1508 says:

    Excellent article!

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