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Image depicting wedding sherwani store

Wedding Sherwani Advertisement goes viral


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey, guess what? Something really funny happened! You know how videos on social media can go super-duper popular and everyone talks about them? Well, hold onto your hats because now even newspaper ads can go viral! Yup, it’s true!

There was this ad in a newspaper for a fancy wedding outfit called a sherwani. But wait, there’s more! The ad was actually about a missing guy named Majnu! Can you believe it? It got so much attention that someone shared it on a website called Reddit and said, “Wow, this ad is totally next level!” Imagine that, a missing person ad becoming famous! Haha, the world is full of surprises, isn’t it?
Guess what? There’s this funny ad from the “Sultan” wedding sherwani store that’s making people chuckle! They’re practically begging a guy to come home. Hilarious, right? They even gave the store address and mentioned there’s plenty of parking.

And get this, they shared their contact info and social media handle too! This store is known for putting out these kinds of ads, and some people find them a bit naughty, but others think they’re just plain silly. Have you ever seen an ad like this? Share your thoughts in the comments!”

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