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Optical illusion goes viral on the internet


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

 A picture of optical illusion goes viral. Recently, an optical illusion of a black and white circle has gone viral on social media. It has made the netizens confused. Everyone gets to see different numbers in the picture. An illusion is a false idea that something is existing but it doesn’t.

Details of Optical illusion

What is optical illusion?

The optical illusion is a measure of contrast sensitivity.

The contrast sensitivity is the ability to differentiate between an object and the background behind it. it measures the vision of people at a certain distance.
The Twitter user  @ladbible  has posted the optical illusion on their profile.

  The people are seeing different numbers in this picture. Moreover, the illusion is not limited to this image of black and white circles. You will find some pictures with certain designs with numbers hidden beneath them. Check out the picture given below. Can you count the number of horses? It is a fun activity but confusing at the same time. Have you ever done this activity or have you come across such illusions? Tell us in the comments below.

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