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Image depicting New species of glass frogs discovered!

New species of glass frogs discovered!


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Two new species of glass frogs have been discovered in the Guayllabamba river valley situated in the South American continent. There are biological and sound differences in the frogs, even though they first appeared to be similar to the experts.

Guayllabamba river valley in the South American continent!

The new frog species of glass frogs live on the southern side of the Guayllabamba river valley, which separates it from other frog species. In the river valley, experts searched for glass frog species. During their search, they found several specimens that seemed to have all the same features.

Neither of them could be seen through, but their translucent bellies showed off their heart, liver, and digestive tract. On top of that, the species had the same dotted patterns on their lime-green backs, and they were both the same tiny size of two centimetres long.

Northwest Ecuador, rich in flora and fauna!

Northwest Ecuador home to the Guayllabamba river valley has so many different kinds of plants and animals. The tropical Andes Mountains is found in this area. It has twice as many amphibians as the whole of the Amazon Rainforest. One reason for this is that the Amazon Basin isn’t very steep.

Would you like to keep the glass frog as a pet or show it off over an Instagram reel to your friends? Do tell us your thoughts in the comments section below about this amazing discovery.

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