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Image depicting A letter to the Adults

A letter to the Adults

Image depicting A letter to the Adults

Dear Parents

Children are people too.

Is it just me, or do children always seem to be held to a higher standard than everyone else?

Think about it:

We yell at them when they can’t fall asleep and “bother us” with their frustration,
expect them to always remember their manners,
and when they’re having a grumpy day, we punish them, even after they apologize.

Can you imagine being punished because you woke up feeling “blah” and snapped at those closest to you?

Because if you’re like me, you do that more often than you’d like to admit
and your apologies are met with empathy.

But children? They’re still punished, or “they’ll never learn.”

But children are people too.

They’re little humans who are learning,
and deserve respect.

If we want them to grow into confident, kind, grace-giving adults who know their worth, we need to stop,

shaming them for age-appropriate behaviors like tantrums and being impulsive,

minimizing their feelings,

punishing them for being human,

treating them unkindly,

and expecting perfection when we’re mistake-ridden, too.

Children are people too.


So, let’s love and cherish them for the flawed people they are.

Signing off
Admirer of little living miracles

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Smriti Peters Ramisetty

12, OLIVEMOUNT GLOBAL SCHOOL, Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana

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