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Happy Children’s Day

To my sweet, charming little Angel “Kuhu” ~ A very Happy Children’s Day to you.

You are such a blessing and we are forever grateful to God for the wonderful gift.

You are a little kid, but have had a positive affect on so many lives already.

You are our little Angel who always turns a bad day to a day full of sunshine.

Your laugh is infectious! I hope you will continue spreading good cheer to people around you as you grow.

I am sure Queen Elsa would have been happy to be here today if she could, but Princess Anna and the Kingdom needs her.

She sent these wonderful gifts on this day, and this tape of Hanuman we could watch later. She says “Continue living the magical life. We love you!”

A very Happy Day today and always, Darling!

Have a stupendous day and an awesome year ahead.

Wishing you loads of Happiness n good health.

May you always stay energetic and full of good spirits.

God bless!

Shveta Kacher

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KUHU Kacher

2, La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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