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Image depicting Creation of the World: Hindu Mythology

Creation of the World: Hindu Mythology

Image depicting Creation of the World: Hindu Mythology

Hinduism doesn’t believe in objective truth. It believes in subjective truth. So there is no specific creation story. They believe that the creation and destruction of the world is a continuous cycle. Different Hindu communities and texts tell diverse stories, some from the Vedas, some from the Puranas, etc. Today, however, we’re only going to take a look at the tales from the Puranas.

There are many Puranas dedicated to different deities, like the Shiva Purana, Vishnu Purana, Shakti Purana, and so on. All of them have varying stories.

1. Shakti Purana: The worshippers of the Goddess say that Shakti came first. And from her mind, three male forms were born: Brahma, the priest; Vishnu, the king; and Shiva, the ascetic. Then, Brahma, out of loneliness, created the world and the beings on it.

2. Vishnu Purana: The worshippers of Vishnu said that he was the pre-existent God. Brahma was born when a lotus flower bloomed from Vishnu’s navel. And that the world came into being when Vishnu woke up, and it drowned in the water when he slept.

3. Shiva Purana: Worshippers of Shiva reject both of the above beliefs and say that Shiva was the preexisting God. They also call him “Adi-anant” which means “infinite” or “endless” in Sanskrit; and “Swayam-bhu” which means “self-created” and they told the story of the pillar of fire, an endless embodiment of consciousness, around which all life is originated.

Scholars have debated about these different and unique stories for years. But they have not concluded. Hinduism is a diverse religion, where everyone is free to believe what they think.

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Shivansh Singh

7, DLDAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, Delhi

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