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Joke of the Day

  • Q: Why did the skeleton cross the road?

    A: To get to the body shop.

  • Q: What would you get if you crossed a teacher with a vampire?

    A: Lots of blood tests.

  • Q: What did the snowman have for breakfast?

    A: Frosted Flakes.

  • Q: What type of diet did the snowman go on?

    A: The Meltdown Diet.

  • Q: What do you get if you cross a pine tree with an apple?

    A: A pine-apple.

  • Q: What do elves learn in school?

    A: The elf-abet.

  • Q: Are turkey leftovers good for your health?

    A: Not if you’re the turkey!

  • Q: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?

    A: The outside.

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