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Joke of the Day

  • Q. When is it bad luck to meet a black cat?

    A. When you’re a mouse.

  • Q. Why did the scientist wear denim?

    A. Because he was a jean-ius.

  • Q. Who is the world’s greatest underwater secret agent?

    A. James Pond.

  • Q: What cheese does a cow like?
    A: Moozzarela.

  • Q. Why wouldn’t the crab share his sweets?

    A. Because he was a little shellfish!

  • Q: What music frightens balloons?
    A: Pop music.

  • Q. When does it rain money?

    A. When there is “change” in the weather.

  • Q. Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?

    A. The food is good, but there’s no atmosphere.