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Joke of the Day

  • Q: Why was the clown crying?

    A: Because he broke his funny bone.

  • Q: How do bears keep their den cool in the summer?

    A: They use bear-conditioning.

  • Q: Where do polar bears keep their money?

    A: In snow banks.

  • Q: What’s a bat’s favourite pastime?

    A: Hanging out with his friends.

  • Q: Why don’t ducks tell jokes when they fly?

    A: They would quack up!

  • Q: Why did the cabbage beat the carrot in a race?

    A: Because it was a-head.

  • Q: Why is it not a good idea to try to trick a snake?

    A: Because you can’t pull his leg.

  • Q: What has 18 legs and catches flies?

    A: A baseball team.

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