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My dream city 💤 🌁🌃🌆🌇🏙️🏢

Everyone loves to have a dream city of their own . Cities are like heaven on Earth and i wish to have a dream city of my own!

I wish my city would have tall towers and buildings . There would be concrete everywhere would be spacious cars and taxis moving on the road .

Education would be the wealthiest item in my city . My city would contain the best universities and industries .

There would be gardens and parks and bridges would connect my city with others . Many rivers would flow under this bridge .

The population of my country would be large . My city would be admired by others . It would be a really lovely city .

There would be forests which would be protected . The city would contain other basic facilities that a city should have.

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Arnav Singh

6, Delhi Public School, Sonipat, Haryana

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