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4G on Moon – NASA and Nokia are setting it up


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4G on the moon? Yes, NASA is putting up a 4G internet network on the Moon.

NASA aims to build a lunar base on the Moon by 2028 where astronauts will live. In order to reach this goal, it is working with many companies to send various technologies to the Moon. Those technologies include remote power generation, robotics, safer landing and 4G internet.

Besides, for the 4G on moon project, NASA has signed a contract with Nokia’s Bell Labs. Also, 5G will be introduced later.

The 4G network towers on the Moon will be smaller but more powerful than the ones we commonly have. This small cell tech is currently being used for 5G networks across the world.

These towers will also be specially designed to stand against extreme temperatures, radiation and the lack of atmosphere on the Moon.

Astronauts will use the 4G on moon for sending or receiving data, to control lunar rovers, to use maps to travel on the Moon’s surface (like Google Maps on Earth) and streaming of high-definition video.

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