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Image depicting Japan and South Korea become new friends!

Japan and South Korea become new friends!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Have you heard the news? Japan and South Korea are finally trying to make up after years of not talking to each other! It’s like when your best friend said something mean to you and you stopped talking, but now you’re ready to forgive and forget.

Let us tell you all about it!

Important Details

  • So, the Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, went to South Korea to meet with their President, Moon Jae-in. This is a pretty big deal, because the last time a Japanese Prime Minister went to South Korea was 12 years ago! That’s like when your grandpa talks about the olden days when they didn’t have cell phones.
  • Anyway, the reason they’re finally talking is because they want to try and fix their relationship. See, Japan and South Korea have a bit of a history. A long time ago, Japan did some not-so-nice things to South Korea. And even though they apologized, some people in South Korea are still upset about it. But now, they’re hoping to move past it and work together.
  • One of the things they talked about was trade. That’s when countries buy and sell things to each other. Japan and South Korea used to be really good at trading, but then they got mad at each other and stopped. But now they’re trying to start it up again! It’s like when you and your friend trade your Pokemon cards.
  • They also talked about North Korea. That’s a country right above South Korea that’s kind of scary. Japan and South Korea both want to make sure North Korea doesn’t do anything bad, so they’re going to work together on that too.
  • It’s really great to see Japan and South Korea trying to be friends again. Just like when you and your best friend make up after a fight. Who knows? Maybe they’ll start having sleepovers and trading snacks like you and your friend do!

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