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Image depicting Australia's Gympie-Gympie tree produces spider-like venom

Australia’s Gympie-Gympie tree produces spider-like venom


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Australia’s dangerous Gympie-Gympie tree

Do you know what is venom? Venom is a type of poisonous liquid that can be put into another animal’s body by biting or stinging. Many snakes, spiders and scorpions produce venom to protect themselves from other animals. However, did you know that even trees can produce venom?

The Gympie-Gympie tree is a type of rainforest nettle tree that can be found in eastern parts of Australia. Its name means “stinging tree“.

Nettle plants are usually covered in fine, needle-like hairs. These can ‘sting’ you if you touch them. Similarly, the Gympie-Gympie trees also sting you. However, with this tree, the pain keeps getting worse and can last for days or even weeks.

Scientists have recently discovered the toxin in the plant which causes such pain. They found that the venom is similar to that produced by spiders and cone snails.

The Gympie-Gympie tree venom

The venom is a new type of neurotoxin. It has been named “gympietides“, after the plant.

What are neurotoxins?

Neurotoxins are toxins that affect the nervous system.

The Gympie-Gympie tree uses its needles to inject the venom if you touch it. Its venom is also structured in such a way that it keeps repeatedly targeting the victim’s pain receptors. This is what causes the long-term pain, compared to other nettle plants.

By understanding how this venom works, scientists hope to be able to find better treatment for patients stung by the Gympie-Gympie tree.

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