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Desperate Hunt: Submarine Vanishes En Route!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

There is an important search happening in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean. They are looking for a special submarine that takes people to see the remains of the Titanic. The submarine has not returned on time, and everyone is worried about the people inside.

The submarine was reported missing on June 19, far away from land, about 435 miles (700 kilometers) south of St. John’s, Newfoundland. The Canadian Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard are leading the search with the help of military aircraft and ships.

Missing Submarine: Urgent Search

  • The company that owns the submarine, OceanGate Expeditions, is focusing on finding the submarine and the people on board. The submarine has been underwater for more than 32 hours, and it had enough oxygen for 96 hours.
  • They are trying to send a special robot underwater to help with the search as soon as possible. One of the people on the submarine is a businessman named Hamish Harding. The trip to explore the Titanic wreckage was supposed to last from early May to the end of June.
  • The tourists who went on this trip paid a lot of money to be part of it. The submarine, called Titan, is made of strong materials like titanium and carbon fiber to withstand the deep ocean’s pressure. Finding the submarine in the deep and uneven seabed is a difficult task, but they are doing their best to search for it.
  • It’s a very sad and worrying situation. The submarine was supposed to come back, but it hasn’t returned yet. Everyone is hoping and praying for the safe return of the people inside the submarine. The families of the people on board must be feeling very scared and anxious. They are doing everything they can to find the submarine and bring everyone back safely.
  • We hope and pray for the safe rescue of the people on the missing submarine. The search teams are working hard to find them and bring them back to their families. It’s a challenging operation, but they won’t give up. We all want everyone to return home safely, and we are thinking of them during this difficult time.

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