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Image depicting Stranded fishermen survive on coconuts!

Stranded fishermen survive on coconuts!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once upon a time, there were some Indian fishermen who found themselves in a bit of a pickle. They were from a place called Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and they were on a fishing adventure in a faraway land called the Salomon Islands.

You see, these fishermen relied on coconuts to survive. Coconuts were like their very own superhero food source! But they didn’t know that their journey would take a crazy turn.

Fishermen’s Survival

  • On November 27, 2022, these brave fishermen set sail from the Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu. Their boat was packed with everything they needed, including rice and other yummy ingredients that could last them for 35 whole days.
  • Normally, they would fish in the deep sea and stay out for about 25 days at a time. But this time, things didn’t go as planned. Just a week and a half into their trip, their boat’s gearbox started acting up. Oh no!

  • They were stuck in the water, not too far from the coast, for three whole days. It seemed like all hope was lost. But then, out of the blue, a fishing boat from Sri Lanka spotted them. Hooray for unexpected heroes!
  • One of the fishermen managed to fix the broken gearbox, but there was another problem. The anchor of their boat got disconnected because of a big storm. And just like that, they were drifting away in the vast ocean.

  • Now, these fishermen were resourceful. They found a way to cook rice using salty water. Can you imagine that? But that’s not all! The uninhabited island they ended up on had tons of coconut trees. Talk about luck!
  • For 15 long days, they survived by drinking water from coconuts to quench their thirst. They even collected rainwater from the stormy weather. Mother Nature was on their side!

  • Finally, after what must have felt like forever, a British vessel spotted them and came to their rescue. Phew! They were saved and taken to safety.
  • So, you see, even in the toughest of times, there’s always a glimmer of hope. These brave fishermen relied on coconuts, fixed their boat, and never gave up. It’s a funny and sensitive story of survival that shows us the power of ingenuity and the importance of a good food source.

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