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Dream big! The new Parliament ignites empowerment!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, curious readers! Guess what? Prime Minister Narendra Modi did something really special on 28 May! He unveiled a plaque to mark the opening of the brand new Parliament building. Isn’t that exciting?

Important Details

  • But that’s not all! The Prime Minister also did something very important. He installed something called ‘Sengol’ in the Lok Sabha chamber. It’s a sacred item, and he put it right next to the Speaker’s chair after performing a special prayer called ‘puja’. The ‘Sengol’ is a historic object that was given to our first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, a long time ago.
  • Do you know what’s even more fascinating? The ceremony began with a traditional puja, which is a religious ritual with Vedic customs. This puja lasted for an entire hour! Can you imagine that?
  • During the puja, our Prime Minister was joined by the Home Minister, Amit Shah, and the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Om Birla. They were all there to make this event even more meaningful and special.
  • Oh, here’s something interesting: before the inauguration, some opposition parties, including the Congress, decided to boycott it. They said that the soul of democracy has been taken away from the Parliament, so they didn’t see the value in having a new building. 
  • By the way, the new Parliament building is a four-story structure that cost around ₹970 crore to build. It was designed by a company called HCP Design, Planning and Management from Ahmedabad, and it was constructed by Tata Projects Limited.
  • Isn’t it amazing to learn about these important events happening in our country? It’s great to be curious and ask questions. Keep exploring and discovering new things, our readers!

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