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Education: Engineering courses to be in regional languages as per NEP


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hello, young one! So, guess what? On 29th July, the Prime Minister of India, PM Modi, talked to everyone in the country through a special video meeting. He wanted to tell everyone about something very important that happened a year ago, and it’s called the National Education Policy or NEP.

Education Revolution!

  • Imagine this! In eight states, there are going to be 14 special colleges where students can learn about engineering in not just one but FIVE Indian languages! How amazing is that? Those languages are Hindi-Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, and Bangla. Also, there’s this awesome tool they made that can change engineering courses into 11 different regional languages. So now, lots of people can learn engineering in their own language! Woohoo!
  • You know, sign language is really important for some people to communicate, but before, it wasn’t a subject in schools. But guess what? That’s changing now! In India, sign language is now a proper language subject that students can learn in school. Isn’t that fantastic? Everyone should have a chance to learn and communicate, right?
  • Here comes something super cool! They’re starting something called the “Academic Bank of Credit.” It’s like a digital bank, but instead of money, it holds all the credit that students earn in their studies. This means students can choose different subjects from different schools and put all the credits together, like building blocks, to get their degree! How fun and flexible is that?
  • Now, get ready for the future! PM Modi also launched something called the Artificial Intelligence program. It’s all about using smart technology and thinking like the future leaders of tomorrow. So, the youth of India can be super ready to face all the exciting things coming their way!
  • Now, you might be wondering why all of this is so important. Well, let us explain in a way that you’ll understand:
  • Imagine if you had to learn something really tough, like math or science, but you could only learn it in a language that’s hard for you to understand. That would be tricky and not much fun, right? So, what they’re doing is making sure that you and all the other kids can learn in languages you’re comfortable with. Learning becomes much more enjoyable when it’s in a language you love!
  • Oh, and you know how some kids use their hands and gestures to talk because they can’t hear or speak? That’s where sign language comes in! Now, everyone can learn sign language and understand each other better. It’s like learning a secret code to communicate with awesome friends!
  • And this Academic Bank of Credit thing? It’s like a treasure chest of knowledge! Instead of just learning what the school tells you, you can explore different subjects from different places and still get your degree. So, you get to learn about things you love and follow your passions. How exciting is that?
  • Lastly, this Artificial Intelligence program is like having a super brain! It helps you think about things in a smart way and get ready for the future. Imagine being super clever and having awesome ideas to make the world a better place. That’s what it’s all about!
  • So, in conclusion, PM Modi told everyone about these fantastic things happening in education. They want all the kids and young people to have the best opportunities to learn, grow, and have fun while doing it. Learning is super cool, and they’re making it even cooler with all these changes! Yay for learning and yay for a brighter future!

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