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MHRD releases Draft National Education Policy 2019


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, little buddy! Guess what? The big and serious grown-ups at MHRD released something super important called the “Revised National Education Policy.” Woohoo! Let us tell you all about it in an interesting and sensitive way.

So, a long time ago in 1986, they made a plan for education in India, and then they made some changes in 1992. But you know what? They kept changing it many times after that! They just couldn’t make up their minds! Silly, right?

But now, the new government wants to make big changes in the education system, and it’s right at the top of their to-do list for the first 100 days. Like when you have a long list of chores, but you really, really want to eat ice cream first!

The super smart Dr. K Kasturirangan, the Chairman, is leading the way to make these changes. He’s like the captain of the education ship, making sure everything goes smoothly.

Education Revolution: Fun, Playful, and Inclusive!

  • Now, here comes the interesting part, my little friend. They want to change how schools work. Right now, kids can study until they are 14 years old, but they want to extend it to when you’re 18 years old. Can you imagine studying until you’re all grown up?
  • They also have a cool idea about dividing school into different stages, like a video game with different levels! You start with a Foundational Stage where you play and learn when you’re really young. Then comes the Preparatory Stage, where you get ready for bigger challenges. After that, it’s the Middle Stage where you learn even more exciting things. Finally, the Secondary Stage is like the ultimate level where you become a pro learner!
  • Oh, and guess what? They want to give more importance to playing and doing fun stuff in school. Yep, you heard that right! More playtime and fun activities! Learning can be a big adventure, after all!
  • But hey, they’re not just focusing on us kids; they’re thinking about the awesome teachers too! Teachers are like magical guides who help us discover new worlds of knowledge. So, they want to give them special training to become even more amazing at teaching. Like wizards with superpowers!
  • Oh, oh! They also have plans to change how we learn different subjects. They want to make sure we can learn in our own languages and also in English. English is like a magical key that opens doors to many exciting opportunities. But don’t worry, they won’t force anyone to learn just one specific language. It’s all about having choices, like picking your favorite flavor of ice cream!
  • Now, here comes the best part, my little genius. They want everyone, including kids like you and me, to join the fun and share our ideas! Yep, they want to know what we think about all these cool changes. They made a special link just for us to send our thoughts. Isn’t that amazing?
  • So, let’s all join in and share our awesome ideas! Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be a part of making the bestest education policy ever! So keep learning, playing, and dreaming big, because the future is in our hands!
  • Now, let’s go read more about it at this super cool link: ““. And remember, my friend, your voice matters, so don’t forget to write to them with your fantastic recommendations too!

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