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Healing Words: Mother Tongue Connects All!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hi there, curious mind! Today, we want to tell you about a special person in India, Prime Minister Modi, and how he’s making education really cool and fair for all the students there.

So, a few years ago, they made something called the National Education Policy, and it’s like a birthday for education! PM Modi celebrated its third anniversary in a place called New Delhi, where he talked about some important things.

Language Equality: Modi’s Education Revolution!

  • You know how some people used to think that speaking Indian languages meant being backward? Well, PM Modi said, “No way!” He passionately emphasized the absolute truth: learning in your mother tongue is of utmost importance!
  • He looked at Europe and saw that they do great things when they learn in their own languages. So, he wanted Indian kids to have the same chance to shine! He said, “When you’re confident in your language, you can show your skills without any worries!”
  • He also said that education in the mother tongue is like a superhero for fairness and justice. That means everyone gets a fair chance to learn, no matter where they live or who they are. And that’s super-duper important!
  • PM Modi told everyone that they won’t leave any language behind. Every language in India will get lots of respect and love because they all matter. No more thinking some languages are better than others!
  • He said, “Even I, when I talk to other countries at the U.N., use our Indian language!” That’s so cool, right? He’s showing everyone how awesome our languages are!
  • Exciting news! Indian languages will now be the medium for teaching a wide range of subjects, from Social Science to Engineering! So, kids can understand everything easily and be super smart!
  • And you know what’s interesting? PM Modi said those who try to use language for their own selfish reasons will have to close their shops! Haha, we wonder what kind of shops he meant?
  • He wants this special policy to create a brand new and energetic generation in the next 25 years. This generation will be full of smart and innovative kids, ready to bring lots of happiness to the world!
  • He said, “Everyone should get the same chance to learn and grow. No one should be left out because of where they live or how much money they have. Everyone is equal in learning!”
  • Oh, and guess what else? They are upgrading thousands of schools to be super modern and awesome! These schools will have all the new cool stuff for education, like 5G and more!
  • So, thanks to PM Modi and the National Education Policy, education in India is becoming fair, fun, and super cool! Everyone gets to learn in their mother tongue, and that’s a big deal!
  • Let’s cheer for all the kids in India who are going to have amazing opportunities to learn and grow, no matter what language they speak or where they come from! Yay!

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