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Endangered Wolves Get Adorable New Family!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young explorer! We’ve got an exciting story for you. It’s all about some special pups that brought hope to a species on the verge of disappearing.

These pups are called red wolves, and they were born in a wildlife refuge in North Carolina. Isn’t that amazing?

What is special about red wolves?

Red wolves are unique animals that are a mix between gray wolves and coyotes, and they have beautiful reddish-brown fur that helps them blend into the forest.

Important Details

  • So, here’s the scoop. Five red wolf pups were born in early April, and they were extremely rare because their species is critically endangered. That means there are very few of them left in the world. But wait, there’s more! The parents of these pups also adopted another pup that was born in a zoo. Isn’t that cool?
  • The red wolf parents, known as 2225 and 2323, had another litter of pups in 2022, and those pups are now helping take care of their baby siblings. It’s like having big brothers and sisters to show you the ropes. And guess what? The family just got bigger because a male pup from a zoo in Washington state joined them. Now they are the biggest red wolf pack known in the wild, with 13 members!
  • Red wolves used to roam many parts of the United States, but now they are only found in North Carolina. Their population has been shrinking because of hunting, habitat destruction, and mixing with coyotes. That’s why it’s so important to protect them.
  • There are also red wolves in zoos, and some of them might be released into the wild to help increase the number of wolves and make sure they have diverse genes. It’s like matchmaking for wolves! Scientists are even talking about using cloning technology to help the population grow.
  • You know what’s sad? Many animal and plant species in the United States are at risk of going extinct. That’s why we need to learn about them, protect their habitats, and make sure they have a safe place to live.
  • So, let’s celebrate these adorable red wolf pups and keep cheering for their species. Every new generation brings hope for their recovery. Together, we can make a difference and protect our amazing wildlife!

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Watch a video

National Geographic presents a glimpse of newly arrived red wolf puppies.

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