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Image depicting Fall in onion prices upset Indian farmers!

Fall in onion prices upset Indian farmers!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

In India, many farmers grow onions. They sell them to make money. But sometimes, the price of onions drops suddenly. This has happened again recently.

As a result farmers in the state of Maharashtra are protesting. They want the government to help them get a fair price for their onions.

Key facts!

  • Firstly, the problem is that onions can’t be kept for too long, so they have to be sold quickly.
  • Secondly, this means that when there are a lot of onions, the price goes down.
  • On the other hand, when there aren’t enough onions, the price goes up, and people get angry.
  • The government is supposed to help farmers, but many say they haven’t done enough.
  • Experts, point out a few reasons why onion prices have gone down.
  • One is that the weather has been too hot, so onions are going bad before they can be sold.
  • Also, there are too many onions being sold at once, so the price is going down.
  • Therefore, this is making it very hard for farmers to make a living.

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