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For feeding astronauts in space, NASA will pay $1 million


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

For feeding astronauts in space, NASA will pay $1 million. All of us know that astronauts go into space to learn about the mysterious facts of space. Have you ever wondered what do these astronauts eat  in space? The astronauts in space eat a varied diet, as we eat on earth. They can eat fruits, nuts, candies and seafood in space. The drinks include tea, coffee, fruit juices, etc. You will be thrilled to know that all these foods come in disposable packages.

Ideas to feed astronauts in space

Recently, NASA has announced that they will send astronauts deeper into space. NASA will pay 1 million dollars to anyone who comes up with innovative ideas about feeding the astronauts in space. NASA has established a new Deep Space Food Challenge(DSFC) in collaboration with Canadian Space Agency. Through this challenge, they invite teams to develop, build and demonstrate the food production technology that offers nutritious food that could be used in the space. Jim Reuter is associate administrator for NASA’s Space Technology mission. He said that pushing the food technology limits will keep future astronauts healthy in space.

Reasons for establishing DSFC

Food loses nutritional value over time. It means that the packaged food will not cover all nutritional needs on a long term mission. NASA experts believe so. NASA believes that new food technologies will help to prepare nutritional meals for the astronauts while they are on long-duration space journeys. Phase 1 of the Deep Space Food Challenge was concluded in October 2021. NASA awarded $450,000 to 18 teams for their designs in food production technology that creates safe, acceptable, delicious, and nutritious food products. Now, NASA is inviting new and existing teams to compete in Phase 2 for a prize of up to $1 million. NASA has stated that the teams can give ideas regarding storing, preparing and delivering food to the crew. Isn’t it interesting to learn about the foods that you could eat in space?

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Watch a video

Until we get more information about the same, you can watch this video about DSFC and stay curious.

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