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Storytime with ‘Tarla’!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Today, we’ve got a movie review and we’re going to talk about a film called “Tarla!” It’s all about the amazing life of Tarla Dalal! She is a famous food writer and chef. She also had her own TV show where she taught people how to make yummy dishes.

Kids and adults loved her because she made cooking fun and easy for everyone to try at home. Her recipes made people happy and brought families together around the dinner table.

Sounds yummy, right?

Well, hold on to your popcorn because this movie review has some twists and turns!

Underwhelming and Lackluster

  • The movie stars Huma Qureshi as Tarla Dalal, and she does a good job playing the leading lady. However, the director, Piyush Gupta, didn’t quite hit the mark with the storytelling. The movie is a bit like flipping through a photo album or skimming through a website, just going from one event to the next without much depth.
  • Also, the movie suffers from a flat narration and lacks engaging drama. It doesn’t explore Tarla’s character and philosophy in a satisfying way. We don’t really understand why she chooses a softer approach towards feminism or why she takes so long to find her true calling. And let’s not forget that we miss out on seeing how she became a master of foreign cuisines.
  • The film also downplays Tarla’s cultural significance and her influence on men to explore cooking. It would have been fun to see if her husband stepped up and cooked when she was sick. But nope, we didn’t get that.
  • It’s also challenging to see the movie as the writing and dialogues in the movie are just too simple and plain. The actors, Huma Qureshi and Sharib Hashmi, didn’t have much to work with, and even their talents couldn’t save the day. The movie needed more heartwarming moments and exciting sequences to make it truly compelling.
  • So, there you have it, my inquisitive reader. “Tarla” is a movie that had the ingredients for greatness but ended up being a bit bland. Don’t worry, though, there are plenty of other tasty movies out there for you to enjoy!

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