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Happy Easter!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Happy Easter to everyone!

Easter is a Christian festival and holiday. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Resurrection means to come back to life. The day is considered to be a day of hope and joy.

Important Details

  • It symbolises Jesus’ victory over sin and death. This day is celebrated on the third day after Good Friday.
  • The Saturday before Easter is also considered holy by many and it is called Holy Saturday.
  • The date of Easter celebrations changes every year but it always happens in April.
  • Celebrations are different depending on where you are around the world.
  • But most people attend church services in the morning and have a feast with family and friends later in the day. They also eat special dishes on this day.
  • It is also a time for Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny.
  • Easter eggs are made with boiled eggs, which are decorated and painted.
  • Children also often have egg hunts.
  • This is where the Easter Bunny hides eggs for them to search and find.

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