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Image depicting June's full moon will be a super Strawberry Moon

June’s full moon will be a super Strawberry Moon


Recommended for Astronomy

This month, we can all see the full moon on 24 June. And it is called the Strawberry Moon.

Why is it called so? It is not because it looks like a strawberry and neither is it pink in colour. Instead, it is named so because tribes in North America used to harvest wild berries (a fruit similar to strawberry) exactly at this time of the year.

During this time, the Moon turns reddish or rose colour. The Strawberry Moon is often the last full moon of spring or the first one of the summer season.

This June’s Strawberry Moon is also special because it is a supermoon and the last supermoon for this year. A supermoon happens when a full moon comes closest to Earth. During such times, the Moon appears bigger and brighter than it usually does.

What are the dates of the full moon for the remaining months of the year?

Buck Moon: 23 July
Sturgeon Moon: 22 August
Corn Moon: 20 September
Harvest Moon: 20 October
Beaver Moon: 19 November
Cold Moon: 18 December

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