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Justice Redefined: No More Stereotypes!


Recommended for Gender

The Gobbledygook of Gender Stereotypes in Law

Chapter 1: The Curious Case of Wonky Words

Once upon a time, in the grand halls of the Indian courts, words were thrown around without much thought. Words like “career woman” or “eve-teasing” were as common as samosas at a chai stall. But, hold onto your hats, folks! The Supreme Court decided it was time to give these outdated terms a boot out the door!

Chapter 2: A Wordy Revolution

Enter the stage: A 30-page sparkling new handbook! Ta-da! Its mission? To zap away the pesky gender stereotypes from the language of the courts. No more robotic repetition of silly words! It was like giving the legal community a brand new dictionary. Out with the old, in with the new!

Chapter 3: A Message from the Top

Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud was like the captain of this ship. With a twinkle in his eye, he announced this masterpiece and whispered his hope that it’d lead everyone to a brighter and fairer future. In his wise words, he warned against the dangers of judging books by their covers—or in legal terms, making decisions based on silly stereotypes.

Chapter 4: The Oopsie-Daisies of Assumptions

Now, here’s where things get juicy. The handbook spilled the beans on the weird beliefs people have about women. Like, can you believe some folks thought women were “overly emotional and illogical”? Gasp! But our handbook hero set things straight. Gender doesn’t decide how logical or illogical we are. It’s like saying eating ice cream makes you a unicorn!

Chapter 5: Clothes, Consent, and Courtrooms

Our wardrobe choices and past don’t define us, the handbook reminded. A lady in a polka-dot dress isn’t any less credible than one in a pantsuit. It stressed on the big “C” word – Consent. Just because someone loves polka dots doesn’t mean they’re saying “yes” to everything!

Chapter 6: It’s All in the Words!

Chief Justice Chandrachud wore his word-lover hat and talked about the power of language. Using clichéd stereotypes? Well, that’s a no-no! Even if stereotypes don’t change a case’s outcome, they mess with our thinking hats. Our language paints a picture of society. Imagine a world where we call folks with less money “paupers”. It’s like calling a majestic lion a “big kitty”. Thankfully, the law evolved and started calling them “indigent”. Phew!

Swishy Final Thoughts

Words are like spells. They have power. They shape how we see and feel about the world. So, when we change the words in our laws, we’re not just playing a game of Scrabble. We’re changing how we see and treat each other. The Supreme Court gave us a brand-new way of talking and thinking, making the world a little kinder, a tad wiser, and bucket loads funnier!

The End… Or Is It Just the Beginning?

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