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Made in Heaven: Heart or Tradition?


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Made in Heaven: Breaking Marital Stereotypes

1. Beginning Bells: The Marriage Norm

Let’s imagine a big, fancy wedding. There’s music, dance, and lots of yummy food. But in some places, weddings can be more about what family you’re from and how much money you have, rather than about love. In India, sometimes, old ideas about marriage don’t welcome new changes.

2. Wedding Tunes on TV

A show named “Made in Heaven” is brave enough to talk about these old ideas. Most TV shows show us the same kind of love story – a boy and a girl from rich families getting married. But “Made in Heaven” tells us that love and marriage can be different and just as beautiful.

3. A Different Dance: Challenging Old Ways

In Season 1 of the show, we got to see stories that are different from the usual. Like, two men getting married or someone who is looked down upon because of where they come from, trying to find love. In Season 2, these stories continue with even more strength.

4. Big Wedding, Bigger Problems

When we think of weddings, we imagine fun and happiness. But this show tells us that sometimes, there can be problems too. Sometimes, people are more interested in how the bride looks or what the groom’s family does than in whether they are in love. It’s not all bad, though. We also see people being brave and kind.

5. Ladies Leading the Dance

Girls and women can be strong and smart. They can also be brave and fight against old ideas. In “Made in Heaven”, we see many such stories where women challenge what is expected of them. They show that they can make choices for themselves and don’t always need someone else to decide for them.

6. Being Proud of Who You Are

In one story, there’s a teacher who is very proud of where she comes from, even if others look down on her for it. She’s strong and smart, and she’s not afraid to show who she really is. This show tells us that everyone has a right to love and be loved, no matter where they come from.

7. An Old Song with a New Beat

The old ideas about marriage in India don’t always accept change. But “Made in Heaven” sings a new song and tells us that love and marriage can be different and beautiful in many ways.

8. A Few Off-Notes

Like in any song, sometimes there are a few notes that don’t sound right. The show has a few moments that might seem too grown-up or not needed. But we should remember, it’s trying to tell an important story in its own way.

9. Ending Note: Everyone Deserves Their Dance

To finish, “Made in Heaven” tells us that everyone, no matter where they come from or who they love, deserves to dance their own dance. It teaches us that love is for everyone and that everyone’s story is worth telling.

And remember, next time you see a wedding, think about the love stories that might not always be told, but are just as special.

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