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Image depicting Many Indian families escaping poverty!

Many Indian families escaping poverty!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hi, eager learner! Guess what? The United Nations just released a super cool report about poverty in India. They said that a whopping 415 million people in India escaped poverty in just 15 years! Can you believe it?

The report was made by the United Nations Development Programme and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative. They looked at lots of countries, like Cambodia, China, Congo, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Serbia, and Vietnam, and found that 25 of them were able to cut their poverty rates in half. India was one of them!

India’s Poverty Transformation: Remarkable Progress!

  • In 2005/2006, about 645 million people in India were living in poverty. But by 2019/2021, that number dropped to about 230 million. That’s a big change! It means that fewer people are struggling to have the things they need for a good life.
  • The report also said that the poorest states and groups in India, including kids and people from disadvantaged caste groups, saw the fastest progress in escaping poverty. Isn’t that great? Everyone deserves a chance to thrive and succeed!
  • They looked at different things that make life better, like having enough food, clean water, a safe place to live, and access to things like education and healthcare. They found that more and more people in India were getting these things. For example, the number of people who didn’t have enough to eat went down from 44.3% to 11.8%. And child mortality, which means the number of kids who die before they grow up, decreased from 4.5% to 1.5%.
  • They also looked at things like having electricity, a proper house, and clean toilets. They found that more people in India were getting these things too. Can you imagine not having electricity or a toilet? It would be tough!
  • But here’s the interesting thing, my friend. Even though India had a high poverty rate at the beginning, they were still able to make such amazing progress. Other countries that started with less poverty also did well. It shows that no matter where you start, you can make a big difference and change things for the better.
  • The report also mentioned that there are still challenges ahead, especially because of the COVID-19 pandemic. They didn’t have enough data to see how the pandemic affected poverty. But they said it’s important to keep working hard to help everyone, especially kids who are still struggling with things like going to school and having enough to eat.
  • So, isn’t it awesome to hear that so many people in India are escaping poverty? It shows that when we all work together and make sure everyone has what they need, we can make the world a better place. Keep being curious, my little friend, and who knows what other amazing things you’ll discover!

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