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Image depicting Meet Google's Smart Helpers for Ads and YouTube!

Meet Google’s Smart Helpers for Ads and YouTube!


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Hey curious readers! Let’s dive into the world of technology and have some fun! You know what’s cool? Artificial intelligence, or AI for short.

And guess what? AI has taken center stage at Google! They are bringing AI powers to their products like Search and Gmail. But wait, there’s more!

Google is even planning to use AI in advertising and services like YouTube. Buckle up, because we’re about to explore all the exciting details!

Google’s AI Revolution: Smarter, Cooler!

  • According to a report, Google is using something called generative AI. It’s like having a super smart computer that can create things all by itself.
  • Google wants to use this fancy AI to make more money and improve their business. They’re even thinking about using it to help customers and answer their questions. Imagine talking to a robot who knows everything about Google Play Store, Gmail, Android Search, and Maps!
  • Now, here’s the tricky part. The report suggests that Google might use AI to make advertising better. They want to show ads to people in a smarter way.
  • But don’t worry, they’re not forgetting about us, the viewers. They also want to help YouTube creators make awesome videos by suggesting ideas to them. Isn’t that cool? It’s like having a little AI assistant for creativity!
  • To sum it all up, Google is diving headfirst into the world of AI. They want to make their products better, help customers with their questions, and improve how ads are shown to people. They even want to assist YouTube creators with cool video ideas.
  • So, get ready for a future where AI is everywhere, making our lives more exciting and entertaining. Who knows what amazing things AI will bring next? The possibilities are endless! Stay curious, my friends, and keep exploring the fascinating world of technology!

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Allow us to present a video where Ashhad Ahmad reveals his personal encounter during their first day at Google.

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