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National Safe Motherhood Day!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hi, my little sleuth! Guess what? Each year, on April 11, something special is celebrated, and it’s called “Safe Motherhood Day.” It’s like a big party to remind everyone how important it is to take good care of pregnant moms, new moms, and their families.

Safe Motherhood Day: Caring Commotion!

  • You see, there are some places, like India, where more than 12 out of every 100 moms who give birth pass away. But here’s the cool thing: many of these sad situations can be prevented! How? Well, if moms have access to good healthcare, they are more likely to stay healthy and get help if they have any problems.
  • Imagine being on an exciting adventure to become a mom. It can be both scary and amazing, especially with the coronavirus around. So, it’s crucial for moms to feel safe and comfortable during this journey.
  • Now, let me tell you how this special day started. Back in 2003, a fantastic group called the White Ribbon Alliance India (WRAI) decided to make a day to talk about safe mom practices. They wanted everyone to know how important it is to take care of moms and babies.
  • Guess whose birthday they chose for this special day? Kasturba Gandhi, who was Mahatma Gandhi’s wife! So, every year on April 11, we celebrate “National Safe Motherhood Day” to honor her and to remind everyone to be extra caring to moms and babies.
  • The Indian government also joined in to help moms have safe pregnancies. They started a cool program called “Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram” (JSSK). It’s a bit of a tongue twister, huh? But what it does is amazing! It makes sure that pregnant moms get free care and delivery in hospitals. So, even if a mom needs special help, like a c-section, it’s all taken care of.
  • You know what else? They even provide yummy food and free tests to make sure everything is going well for moms and babies. And get this, they also offer free transportation to and from the hospital. How awesome is that?
  • So, the message on this special day is loud and clear: let’s all work together to keep moms safe and happy! By doing that, we make sure that little babies have a great start in this big, wide world.
  • Remember, it takes a village to raise a child, and it all begins with “National Safe Motherhood Day.” So, let’s celebrate and show our love and care for all the amazing moms out there!

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