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Peace Agreements: Israel and Arab Countries Unite!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there curious reader! Let’s talk about something called the Abraham Accords. It’s like a big agreement party that happened in September 2020 between Israel and four Arab countries. Can you believe it? They decided to be friends and even exchanged ambassadors and opened embassies. Pretty cool, right?

But guess what? Not everyone is happy about it, especially the Palestinians. They did a poll, you know, like a survey, and found out that 64% of Palestinians were against the accords. Only 10% thought it was a good thing. That’s a big difference!

Important Details

  • The Palestinians feel like the accords didn’t really solve the main problems in their conflict with Israel. They even think that Israel became more aggressive after the accords. Can you imagine that? They were hoping for things to get better, but it didn’t quite work out that way.
  • Some people, like Prince Turki al Faisal, a smart guy, said that making friends with Israel didn’t really change how they treated the Palestinians. The situation in the West Bank and Gaza is still tough, with attacks happening almost every day and Israel taking more Palestinian land.
  • When they asked the people why peace talks failed in the past, everyone had different reasons. Some said it’s because Israel keeps intimidating and taking over land. Others blamed the United States for being too friendly with Israel. And some even said that the Palestinian Authority made mistakes and didn’t lead well.
  • It’s a complicated situation, isn’t it? Some people also thought that fights over important places like the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem were getting in the way. And you know what’s funny? Some people couldn’t even decide on a reason and just felt frustrated with the whole process.
  • So, our little friend, the Abraham Accords might have brought some changes, but it seems like there’s still a lot of work to do for peace. It’s not as easy as snapping your fingers and making everything better. But hey, let’s keep hoping that someday they’ll figure it out and everyone can live happily ever after.

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