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Safe schools! No e-cigarettes, ever!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Howdy, eager learner! Guess what? There’s some funny business going on with e-cigarettes, those weird electronic smoking thingies. So, experts who know a lot about controlling tobacco (you know, those yucky sticks some grown-ups puff on) are saying that these e-cigarettes are being sold even to kids below 18! That’s just not cool!

But wait, here’s where it gets even interesting! Even though the big boss government said, “No, no, no, e-cigarettes!” in 2019, these sneaky things are still being sold online! Can you believe it? It’s like trying to sneak a cookie before dinner – naughty, naughty!

E-Cigarette Mischief: Report & Protect!

  • But no worries, the Health Ministry superheroes are here to the rescue! They’ve launched a super cool online portal called It’s like a secret spy website where you can report those mischievous people selling e-cigarettes when they shouldn’t be. And guess what? The superheroes will swoop in for faster action against the rule-breakers! Zap, pow!
  • Now, let’s get a bit serious for a moment. The reason the government is doing all this is because e-cigarettes can be pretty dangerous. They work with batteries and make a smoky stuff called aerosol, which has nicotine (that’s a bad guy!) and yummy flavors inside. But don’t be fooled by the flavors; they’re still not good for you!
  • The grown-ups want to protect us, especially kids like you, from getting hooked on these e-cigarettes. They care about your health and happiness, and they know these e-cigarettes are not a good thing for your body. So, they made a rule, called the Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage, and Advertisement) Act. Phew, that’s a mouthful!
  • But you know what? Some people are not following this rule, and that’s not nice. So, the Health Ministry decided to give them a little nudge with the new online portal. It’s like saying, “Hey, no cheating allowed!” It’s like catching those pesky cartoon villains and saying, “Gotcha!”
  • Even some super cool grown-ups who know a lot about health, like Binoy Mathew, said the portal is a fantastic idea. It will make sure the rule is followed better, and our superhero Health Ministry can keep us safe from e-cigarettes’ tricks.
  • But guess what? The states and other places need to help too. They got a reminder to be a bit more serious about the rule and do some special checking to make sure no one is breaking it. It’s like double-checking your homework to make sure you did it right!
  • So, my little champ, always remember that e-cigarettes are not for kids or anyone, really! They might seem cool or fun, but they’re like little troublemakers for our bodies. We want to grow up strong and healthy, right?
  • Thanks to this awesome online portal, everyone can join forces and make sure those e-cigarettes don’t get away with breaking the rules. The superheroes at the Health Ministry and all the grown-ups care about you and want you to have a happy, healthy life. So, let’s keep our eyes peeled and report those e-cigarette mischief-makers!
  • Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep smiling! That’s the best superpower of all!

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