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Smoking is illegal in New Zealand!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Gather ’round because We’ve got some interesting news from the land of kiwis and sheep. That’s right, we’re talking about New Zealand!

So, here’s the scoop: New Zealand has just made it illegal to smoke. Yup, you heard that right! Starting in 2019, almost all tobacco products will be banned gradually. But don’t worry, the new law doesn’t prohibit the use of vaporizing goods.

Now, let’s talk about these fancy-schmancy vaporizing goods. They’re called e-cigarettes or vapes. They look like cigarettes, but guess what? They don’t have tobacco in them! Instead, they have a battery and a solution of nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. Some of these chemicals may be harmful, so we gotta be careful, okay?

Smoke-Free Kiwi

  • Now, the Smokefree Environments Bill has some important details. It says that people born after 2008 will never be able to buy cigarettes or other tobacco products. That means fewer and fewer people will be able to buy them each year. Can you imagine a world where nobody can buy cigarettes? It’s like a magic trick, but for our health!
  • Here are some key facts you need to know: Health experts think this is a great move to have a smoke-free future. They say tens of thousands of people will live longer and healthier lives. That’s pretty cool, right? Plus, it will take some pressure off the health system because fewer people will get sick from smoking. We won’t need to treat those smoking-related illnesses anymore!
  • Oh, and guess what? The government wants to completely get rid of smoking by the year 2025. They also want to make tobacco products less addictive by reducing the amount of nicotine in them. That means they won’t make us want to keep smoking. Goodbye, addiction!
  • But wait, there’s more! By doing this, we’ll have fewer stores that sell tobacco. That’s because the government wants to stop new shops from popping up and selling those products. They don’t want us to get tempted, you know? They also don’t want an underground market for tobacco goods to grow. That would be bad news.
  • So, there you have it, young friends. New Zealand is saying “no” to smoking and trying to make everyone healthier. It’s a big change, but it’s for the best. Remember, no one wants to see people smoke, but some may still do it. Let’s hope that with this new law, fewer and fewer people will be lighting up. Stay healthy and keep those lungs happy!

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