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Image depicting See the Blood Moon lunar eclipse on 26 May

See the Blood Moon lunar eclipse on 26 May


Recommended for Astronomy

Blood Moon lunar eclipse

This 26 May, you can look forward to a very special event in the night sky – there will be a total lunar eclipse.

What is a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse happens when Earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon. During this time, Earth casts a shadow on the Moon.

This will be the first total eclipse of the Moon since January 2019. This type of lunar eclipse is also called the Blood Moon. This is because the Moon turns reddish-orange colour during the eclipse. This full Moon will also be a supermoon. Altogether, it will be a Blood Moon lunar eclipse.

When can you see this event?

The total lunar eclipse will stay for 14 minutes 30 seconds. However, the entire event begins at 2:17 pm IST and will be over by around 7 am the next morning.

It will be the most visible to people living in the western parts of the United States, New Zealand, Australia and East Asia. For India, it will not be that visible but you can still see a part of it.

This year there will be four eclipses around the world. This Blood Moon lunar eclipse is one of them.

Watch a video

Watch a video about lunar eclipses. Video credit: National Geographic/Youtube

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