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The Nali Kali

Students attend school in beautiful classrooms redesigned from railway coaches


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Howdy, bright-eyed observer! Today, we have a funny and heartwarming story about a school that’s really unique. You know how there are different kinds of schools?

Well, imagine a school made from old railway coaches! Can you believe it? But wait, don’t think these coaches are boring and old. Oh no! They are beautiful, with bright paint and colorful drawings that make them look super cool!

Railway Revival

  • Now, let us tell you about the school. It’s called the Ashokapuram Primary School, and it’s located in a place called Mysuru. For a really long time, like twenty whole years, this school didn’t have its very own building. Instead, the kids had their classes in rooms that were part of the railway quarters. Can you picture that? It must have been quite an adventure!
  • But guess what? Some amazing people from the South Western Railway workshop in Ashokpuram decided to help out the school. They did something really incredible!
  • They took two old train coaches and transformed them into classrooms. How awesome is that? And you know what they named these special classrooms? “Nali Kali” or joyful learning! Doesn’t that sound fun?
  • Before the train coaches became classrooms, the school had faced some problems. Not many kids were coming to study there because the school didn’t have a proper building.
  • But all that changed when the Nali Kali came into the picture. The coaches were so fascinating that more and more children wanted to be part of the school. Now there are over 60 students studying there, from Class 1 to 7!
  • The best part is that these coaches are not just cool to look at. They are super functional too! Inside, they have two bio-toilets, which is pretty neat. Plus, there are lots of teaching aids to help the children learn in the best way possible.
  • One of the coaches is now the classroom for Class 4 and 5, while the other one is a place for all kinds of fun activities. Can you imagine having your classes in a train coach? It must feel like going on a learning adventure every day!
  • Now, let’s try to understand what happened here. First, the school didn’t have its own building, and that made it hard for kids to come and study. Then, the wonderful people from the railway workshop renovated the train coaches into classrooms. As a result, more children started coming to the school, and now it’s bustling with over 60 students! These train coaches not only look cool but also made learning exciting and joyful for everyone.
  • Isn’t it amazing how sometimes the most unexpected things can turn out to be the best? It just shows that a little creativity and kindness can make a big difference. So, the next time you see a train or a school building, remember the story of the Ashokapuram Primary School and its fantastic Nali Kali. And who knows, maybe you’ll find some joy in the most unexpected places too!
  • So, my little friends, always be curious, open to new ideas, and never forget to have some fun along the way. Life is full of surprises, and you never know when something as ordinary as a train coach can bring so much happiness and learning to the world. Keep smiling, keep exploring, and keep spreading joy wherever you go! 

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