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U.S. schools plan to offer mindfulness, meditation, and yoga classes


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, inquiring spirit! Guess what? We heard some awesome news about schools in Denmark and the US! They are coming up with fantastic ways to help students feel better emotionally and mentally.

So, let’s start with the first part: the introduction. We’re talking about schools, like Yellow Springs High School and Mckinney Middle School. They have some cool ideas to make students’ minds and hearts feel good.

Mindful Schools: Nurturing Minds

  • You know how sometimes when kids misbehave in school, they might get detention? It’s like staying in class after school is over. But guess what? These two schools in the US came up with a funny and caring idea! Instead of detention, they are offering something called “mindfulness” classes.
  • Now, what’s mindfulness? Well, it’s like taking a break on a special blanket, sitting comfortably, and learning how to deal with our feelings. You know, like when you’re feeling sad, angry, or even super happy, they teach you how to understand and handle those emotions in a calm way.
  • And that’s not all! On Wednesdays, the schools have something even cooler. They have a 30-minute yoga session led by an expert. Yoga is like stretching and moving your body in a fun and relaxing way. It can help your mind and body feel strong and healthy.
  • But why are they doing all of this? It’s because they care about kids’ mental health. That’s why there’s a big plan called the “Ohio statewide education initiative” that encourages schools to do these mindfulness sessions. They want kids to feel good inside and out.
  • Now, you might be wondering, why are they doing this? Well, it’s because they know that sometimes kids have a tough time dealing with their feelings. And when kids don’t feel good inside, it can be hard to focus on learning and growing. So these schools thought, “Hey, let’s help our students become well-balanced and happy individuals!”

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