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Sudan’s Fragile Peace in Jeopardy!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

On April 18, 2023, something really sad happened in Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan. There was a lot of loud and scary gunfire. This happened even though the government and rebel forces had signed a peace deal.

It is an important event because it shows that even though people are trying to make peace, there are still many challenges to overcome.

Challenges Remain

  • Khartoum is a big and important city in Sudan, which is a country in Africa. Sudan has been going through a lot of violence for a long time, and it has affected many people’s lives. The conflict in Sudan started when the northern Sudanese Armed Forces fought against groups that wanted to be free in the border region.

  • The children who live in places affected by the fighting have had a really tough time. They have suffered a lot because of the violence. It’s not fair for them to go through such scary and dangerous situations. Everyone deserves to feel safe and happy.

  • In December 2022, there were protests in Khartoum. People were upset and angry about a deal that was made by the main pro-democracy group in the country. They didn’t think it was a good agreement, and they wanted things to be different.

  • Even though many people were hoping that the peace deal would bring an end to the violence, it didn’t happen that way. The heavy gunfire on April 18, 2023, shows that there is still a lot of work to do before Sudan can truly be a peaceful place. It’s sad to see that even when people try to make peace, there are still challenges and problems that get in the way.

  • We need to remember that peace is really important. It’s not right for people to fight and hurt each other. Everyone deserves to live in a safe and peaceful environment. The events in Khartoum remind us that we need to keep working towards peace and finding solutions to the challenges that come our way. We can all make a difference by being kind, understanding, and working together to create a better world.

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