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UN aids Sudanese refugees!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! The United Nations is helping out some Sudanese people who just arrived in Egypt. These people had to flee their homes because of a conflict in Sudan, but luckily the UN (United Nations) is here to save the day!

UN Saves Sudanese Refugees: Heroic Aid!

  • The UN has sent aid agencies to help these refugees, and they are making sure they get the help they need. They are providing food, water, shelter, and medical care to these Sudanese people.
  • Can you imagine how hungry and thirsty they must be after such a long journey? But thanks to the UN, they won’t have to worry about that anymore!
  • These aid agencies are also making sure that the refugees are safe and sound. They are helping to register them and making sure that they are not in danger.
  • And guess what? They even have some fun activities planned for the kids! They are going to set up some games and activities to help the kids feel happy and relaxed. It’s not easy being a refugee, but the UN is doing everything they can to make their lives a little bit better.
  • This is not the first time the UN has helped out refugees. They have been doing this for a long time now, and they are really good at it. They know just what these people need, and they are always ready to help.
  • We should be thankful that there are people in the world who care about others and are willing to help out when they need it.
  • So let’s give a big round of applause to the UN aid agencies for their hard work and dedication to helping others in need!

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