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The holy month of Ramzan begins!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Happy Ramzan! Also known as Ramadan, Ramzan is a holy month for Muslims all over the world. This year, the month-long festival began on 22 March and will last until 21 Apr.

The dates for Ramadan vary each year because they are dependent on the lunar calendar.

How do Muslims celebrate Ramzan?

Ramzan marks a religious holiday and is an important festival across the globe and in India too.

  • People offer prayers and fast during the entire month.
  • They keep fast every day, from morning to night for a month, not eating or drinking anything during the day.
  • They have their daily meals only before dawn and after sunset. 
  • As per the holy book Quran, fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam.
  • Ramzan is also a month of sacrifice when people promise to give up something they really like and also stay away from all wrongs.
  • At the end of Ramzan, Muslims celebrate the festival of Eid Ul Fitr (one of the biggest Eids of the year), marking the end of the fasting month.
  • It is celebrated with special feasts and every one offers special prayers to mark the end of Ramzan.
  • This year, due to COVID-19, Ramzan is also being celebrated with restrictions.

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Watch a video

Watch the video below on the festival of Eid Ul Fitr.

Video credit: IQRA CARTOON – Islamic Prophets & Quran Stories/Youtube

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