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The Secret Life of Aadhar Card!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Meet Andy Aadhar—Your Pocket-Sized Superhero!

Who knew that a small piece of plastic in your wallet could have a secret life? Well, it turns out, your Aadhar Card is not just some boring ID! Say hello to Andy Aadhar, the Aadhar Card who wakes up and springs into action when you’re not looking. Tina, a middle school student, discovered this and now, her life is a roller coaster ride of excitement! Let’s dive in to see how Andy Aadhar is more than just a slice of plastic—he’s a pocket-sized superhero!

The Backstory: From Plastic to Fantastic!

When Tina first got Andy Aadhar, she thought he was just another piece of plastic. But guess what? Andy has feelings, hopes, and even doubts! Have you ever wondered if you’re important? Andy does too! But don’t worry; this story isn’t all gloom. Andy’s like that puzzle piece you can’t find and then—voila—you realize it makes the whole picture complete!

Important Interactions: When Andy Met Mr. Verification!

Andy spends a lot of time with Mr. Verification, the scanner with a deep, robotic voice. Mr. Verification is like the wise old owl in the forest of technology. He tells Andy that he’s crucial for keeping people safe. Imagine a locked treasure chest, and Andy is the magical key. Yup, he’s that important! Mr. Verification makes sure that no one can pretend to be you. And that’s a pretty big deal!

Touching Moments: Grandma Reshma’s Healthcare Express!

Andy didn’t realize how valuable he was until he helped Grandma Reshma get her health benefits fast and easy. Grandma Reshma, Tina’s loving grandma, could be like your own grandma who makes the best cookies. Just like a magic wand, Andy helps Grandma wave away any problems with papers and boring stuff. Now, she can focus on what she loves—baking cookies and giving life advice!

The Big Reveal: Unmasking the Emotional Cape!

Ever feel like you’re just a tiny drop in a giant ocean? Well, Andy felt that way too. But by helping Tina and Grandma Reshma, he found out that even a tiny drop can create a big splash! Everyone’s important, like the pepperoni on a pizza or the marshmallows in your hot cocoa.

The Aadhar-tastic Ending!

Andy Aadhar finally finds out he’s not just a piece of plastic. He’s a superhero in disguise! Tina and Grandma Reshma couldn’t be happier, and we learn some big lessons about identity, being helpful, emotional growth, family love, and responsibility. Andy realized he’s like the glue stick in your arts and crafts kit—small but absolutely necessary!

Fun Activities!

1. Andy Aadhar ID Badge!


  • A blank card
  • Colored markers
  • A hole puncher
  • A ribbon or string


  1. Use the blank card to draw and design your own Andy Aadhar.
  2. Write down your superhero powers and responsibilities.
  3. Punch a hole and string a ribbon through it.
  4. Wear it and remember, like Andy, you’re important and special too!

2. Find Mr. Verification!


  • Small boxes
  • A printed picture of a scanner (Mr. Verification)


  1. Hide the picture of Mr. Verification in one of the small boxes.
  2. Mix up the boxes.
  3. Start the game! Open each box until you find Mr. Verification.

3. Grandma Reshma’s Cookie Adventure!


  • Cookie dough
  • Cookie cutters
  • Oven


  1. Make cookies using cookie dough and cutters.
  2. While they’re baking, think about how each cookie is unique and special, just like you.
  3. Enjoy the cookies while discussing the life lessons you’ve learned from the story!

So, kids, the next time you look at your Aadhar Card, remember—it might just be another Andy Aadhar, ready to spring into action!

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